Course Description

Ever wanted to help other people but did not know where to begin? 

  • Have an AMAZING process but don't know how to present it or sell it digitally? 
  • What if you could easily and in ONE DAY figure out what to sell and who to sell it too? 
  • Let's talk platforms, software and resources? What if you did not have to shuffle through ALL the platforms available trying to find the BEST one for you? 
  • Time! Everyone is BUSY. Running from here and there, what if you did not have to invest lots of time to put your offer together? What if you could put your offer together in ONE day? 
  • Guess what? It is possible to do JUST that. How? This is where The Create Your Offer In One Day Virtual Retreat Comes in. 

Why Did I HAVE to Create This One Day Retreat?

  • I wanted to work with like-minded kingdom people
  • Wasting money going conference to conference did not work or got me closer my goal
  • Quitting my corporate job without a plan or a offer that could replace my 6-figure salary was NOT a good idea 
  • I KNEW that putting ALL the pieces together did not have to be SO hard
  • Hiding in the shame of knowing was no longer an option
  • Others should be able to quit their job earlier and not wait as long as I did
  • I KNEW there was a better way other than trying to do it on my own
  • Having a safe space to Implement and ask questions was key
  • I saw TOO many people making money while I remained stuck 
  • Having knowledge was great but I NEEDED to know how to put it to work for ME
  • I KNEW my story would encourage others to move forward and create their own offer
  • Not making money with my knowledge and expertise was no longer an option
  • Helping others ALL over the world was a priority for me and having a virtual retreat was the most logical way to do it
  • Having accountability makes EVERYTHING better and easier

Why am I the BEST person to teach you how to create your offer? 

I have been reading books and writing short stories and poetry my whole life. I used to recite my poems in church and to write short plays for my Sunday school class and youth program; It was truly a passion of mine. 


I KNEW I would be a writer when I grew up, there was no doubt in my mind. I wanted to help people and to write books; although I had not idea how I would combine those two passions at the time. 


Moving to the United states as an adult forced me to concentrate on learning the language and getting a college education.  

I decided to put writing in the back burner and concentrated on mastering the new language. Reading became even more important to me. I made great friends, got married, got a job right out of college, had a baby, and life just got BUSY. The corporate ladder kept me busy, but it never fulfilled me. Every few years I would feel the urge to switch  careers and start over again. I was successful, and every switch seemed to get me higher, but I kept feeling empty and unfulfilled. 


From time to time I would attempt to write but the writing felt forced and incipit – there is nothing I hate more than unimaginative and subpar writing – the more I tried, the harder it seemed to get. 


One year, as I was working on my new year’s resolutions (as I had done countless times before) I began to set my new book writing deadline. Every year I would try bribing myself with the promise of a trip, a new fancy outfit or anything I could think of to motivate myself to FINALLY write and finish my first book (I always knew I would write many books, like John Maxwell or Stephen King) but without fail the bribes did not work.


There I was looking at my calendar figuring out what day of the week my birthday would fall that time and right before I wrote in my new journal I began to say, “I will finish writing my book by my birthday…wait…have I said this before?” and just like that I had a flashback of ALL the times I had said that before. TOO many times to count; one of the many skills I picked up in Corporate America was the ability to do math and analyze data. “So I have been trying to write a book since I was 19-years old and it is 2015, so that means that…no…that’s not possible. 20-years. I have been saying I will write my book for 20-long years?”


I could not believe the numbers, but as they say, “Numbers don’t lie.” I was about to turn 39-years old and I had no book, no fulfillment and I was not helping people (my calling and purpose in life). I was a success on the outside but a failure by my own standards.


I knew that just would not do ANYMORE. I began to look for a retreat, or program I could be a part of so I would be able to THIS time finish my book by my birthday. I looked and looked and could not find anything that started right away or in my area.


I finally connected with a colleague and I decided to kill two birds with one stone. I decided to help him with his business (I also became a super digital nerd while I built my Corporate career and knew how to get a business online FAST); he needed to get online, and I NEEDED to finish my book. We got working and by the 3rd week of February OF THAT YEAR, I had finished my first book (not THE book, but I knew all I needed was to see myself at the finish line) and my friend had a FULL working and profitable online program. To this day he STILL uses it to make LOTS of money and help people on a consistent basis. We both got what we needed. 


Right away I began working on my story. I worked harder than ever. This time I did not need help, it was as if my writing superpowers had been awakened. I wrote, and I wrote.

On May 20th, 2015 Styling Faith: The Complete Style Guide became available on Amazon. My story/testimony. Finally, and on my birthday too. The book went on to become a best selling book in multiple categories, just like my first book, Dream Big: Seven Keys To Stepping Into Your Calling did. 


I would love to tell you that I did not make mistakes and that everything was smooth sailing, but it was not. I overspent (paid too much for editing) in some areas and totally underspent in others (for example I did not invest enough in the book promotion).


Even though I was VERY happy with my first two books I did not know how to monetize them or how to build a sustainable or scalable business around them. Because of ALL the mistakes I made I decided to learn EVERYTHING about the monetization of content (pricing, the best platforms to use, ideal audiences, launching, systems, storytelling and promotions).


I have dedicated the last five-years to learning it all by attending conferences, masterminds, hiring more coaches (I have spent over $125,000 trying to build an online business) and writing, LOTS of writing. I have written (some titles are not published yet, others I ghostwrote) over 23-24-books in four years, created over 20-courses for myself and many more for my clients.


I have learned by trial and error. It took me WAY too long to figure out how to monetize my gifts, passion and anointing. I did not know how to leverage the gifts I used in my ministry in the marketplace.


I wanted to scale so I could help more people and fund ALL the projects I KNEW I was called to spearhead and back financially.


It is my desire that not a SINGLE person waste time trying to figure out ALL The 10-monetization steps (not only because I know it is painful for them, but because I know that the longer it takes them to figure it out the longer the people they have been called to serve suffer). 

Today, as a best selling author, TEDx/keynote speaker, professional certified life coach, certified Christian mentor, storyteller, woman of faith, and content monetization strategist I specialize in helping successful and emerging kingdompreneurs in ministry and/or corporate America monetize their passion and calling so they can connect with their dream audience and make a significant impact in the world.   


What's included inside The Create Your Offer Virtual Retreat: 

  1. step by step video lessons showing you how to navigate Catherine's process
  2. Show and tell (screensharing) implementation
  3. Complete list of resources needed and available to share your offer with your dream audience
  4. Coaching sessions showing you how to get clear about every single step
  5. Life-time access to the videos, audio and written lessons
  6. 60-Day access to the Promote Your Passion Club (with over 12-months of lessons and resources)
  7. Facebook Ads strategies to sell your offer 
  8. 60-days access to Facebook community (where you can get more coaching, feedback and support while you implement)
  9. Workbook to help you implement and keep all your work in one place

Did I mention that I created The 10-Step Formula To Teach Your Easy Formula in a couple of hours? Pictures, outline, bonuses, strategies, and links. ALL of it in a couple of hours. Did I make it better with time? Did I upgrade delivery and added more bonuses as time went on? You be, but the ability to create offers MAD fast allowed me to go to market (sell to my dream audience RIGHT AWAY)

Sharing that story got MANY one on one clients and organizations that ALSO don't have time to waste and want to make their offers available QUICKLY. I have a feeling you want to do the same. Am I Right? 

I have mentioned The 10-Step Formula To Teach Your Easy MANY times, but what is the formula? I thought you'd never asked. Here it is: 

  1. The Who and The What: Figure Out What You Want to Teach

  2. Storytelling: Tell them who you are and why you are the person to teach them

  3. The Problem: What’s the pain they are experiencing today that you have ALSO


  4. Your receipts - qualifications - what have you been through or learned along the way?

    (in a traditional school or school of hard knocks).

  5. Your Process Outline - VERY High Level - Remember, less is more and DO

    NOT want to overwhelm them

  6. The Vehicle: Decide how you are going to teach it: online, live, pre-recorded, in person

  7. The Teaching: Teach each step thoroughly but do not beat a dead horse - Easy does


8. The Product - Logistics

a. Write a description of your product that pops and makes people want to throw money at you. Create an image that pops (if you don’t know how to design it hire someone)
c. What’s the upgrade? - the nitty gritty
d. Setup the pre-sale

e. Promote promote promote

f. Throughout the pre-sale and sales process ask questions and pay attention to what your buyer is complaining about
g. Add/tweak your product and process outline as you see fit

9. Create the product - keep it simple - a. Deliver the product

10. Promote On Auto Pilot (Advanced)

Reasons why you should invest in The Create Your Offer In One Day Virtual Retreat:

The Create your Offer One-Day Virtual Retreat is the MOST complete and organized process to quickly and efficiently Create a Core Offer. What is a Core Offer? Simply put, it is the solution you want to be known for. The offer that lets others know you ARE the expert in THAT field. 

What are the benefits of having a core offer? 

  • Consistent income
  • Focused and consistent growth 
  • Able to forecast your income
  • Having an already done and ready to launch solution for your dream audience
  • A proven formula (no need to guess, will this work?)

When you invest in The Create Your Offer in One Day Virtual Retreat you are saving thousands of hours in research and implementation by taking advantage of five-years of research crushed into 8-hours worth of easy to follow coaching sessions,  training and implementation.

Content Monetization & Leverage Strategist

Catherine (Cat) Storing

👩🏽‍💻 Master Content Monetization Strategist | 📝 Business Coach |🎙TEDx/Keynote Speaker | 📚 Best Selling Author 💃🏽 | Author of 25+ books | Course Creator As a Content Monetization Strategist, Amazon Best- Seller and author of over two dozen books, creator of multiple courses, writing coach, keynote speaker, and certified life coach, Catherine has been leveraging her passion for words, books, and writing to help others share their authentic voice and content with the world for 20+ years.

Course curriculum

Pricing options

Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.