Course Description

Writing is not easy for many, in fact, it is the thing many avoid like the plague. Procrastinating to the last VERY minute to write the article, short story, proposal, sermon or letter. Am I right?

Let's go on a quick trip for a moment.....I need you to forget about all your pressing matters, troubles and preconceived ideas about writing. For the purpose of this exercise believe that EVERYTHING is possible and accessible to you. Ready? Let's go on that trip:

Every morning you wake up knowing exactly what to work on. You look forward to your writing goals.

Your writing time is your treat, your dessert before the meal.

You dream about characters, plots, places you have been before. You are no short of inspiration or anecdotes for your books.

On the days you have questions, or doubts about your writing project you have a safe place to go to ask questions, get encouragement and guidance.

You have a place to ask for specific instruction, feedback, and counsel.

Completing projects not only on time but early are part of your everyday life. You no longer procrastinate starting new projects but you dive in the first place.

Could you see that place? Did you imagine yourself there?

What if I told you that place is real? What if I told you writing can be FUN? Well, it is for me.

Is this you? 

  • Have you been waiting to write your book?
  • Does time seem to be against you?
  • Are you in need of a like-minded community?
  • Is accountability something you have been seeking?
  • Are you ready to have access to the right resources?
  • Have you been writing for a while but want to start taking your writing more seriously?

All those things you want are available inside of The Writing Made Simple Academy.

Every month you will receive one lesson with multiple short video/audio sessions.

You get a private community filled with like-minded people, who are just as eager as you to write books and to share their story with others.

The even better part? 

You'll be learning from someone that used to struggle just like you. She too did not know how to:

  • Get started
  • Continue writing
  • Finishing the work
  • Organize her thoughts
  • Stay focused
  • What stories to put in and what stories to leave out
  • Where to go for information
  • write FASTER than you currently do

But Guess what? 

She did not stay there - thank God for that - She decided to learn and not only for herself but also for the people she has been called to teach and serve.

She has written thirteen books to date, ghostwrites books for others and speaks encouraging others to write their story with authenticity, confidence, and style.

If you are ready to join the Writing Made Simple take action TODAY.

Your teacher already knows how to write books fast, now it is your turn to learn how to write your story the right way, with ease and with a community behind you.

Get your seat today - worry not, all the lessons will be recorded and placed inside the Academy.

Join The Writing Made Simple Academy with the 12-month membership of $99/month (12-month commitment).

OR you can SAVE 20% by taking advantage of the yearly membership rate- and who does not like to save, right?

12-months for $798 instead of $1,188

How cool is that? See you in class!

Don't delay signing up cause the rate is going up on September 3rd, 2018

Content Monetization & Leverage Strategist

Catherine (Cat) Storing

👩🏽‍💻 Master Content Monetization Strategist | 📝 Business Coach |🎙TEDx/Keynote Speaker | 📚 Best Selling Author 💃🏽 | Author of 25+ books | Course Creator As a Content Monetization Strategist, Amazon Best- Seller and author of over two dozen books, creator of multiple courses, writing coach, keynote speaker, and certified life coach, Catherine has been leveraging her passion for words, books, and writing to help others share their authentic voice and content with the world for 20+ years.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome - What Do I need?

    • Start HERE: What is The Writing Made Simple Academy

    • Important Information

    • Facebook + Facebook Groups

    • What do I need?

    • How to use the Create Visual Journal

    • Refund Policy

    • Month 2: Outlines

  • 2

    Month 1 : The Beginning

    • How to Access This Content Via Your Mobile Phone

    • Lesson 1 -

    • Journaling Everyday and Why

    • Writing: How Often should I write?

    • Your Writing Space

    • My Writing Space

    • EXTRA RESOURCE: How to Journal Like A Pro!

    • Handwriting Versus Typing & Why Does It Make a Difference?

    • How to and Why Develop a Writing Habit

    • BONUS Material: How to Buy More Books & Save

    • The Writing Process Meditation - Transition Meditation

    • The Writing Made Simple Process - Part I

    • The Writing Made Simple Process - Part II

    • A Writer's State of Mind

  • 3

    Month 2: All About Outlines

    • This Month's Reading Assignment

    • What is a Book Outline?

    • Why do you need a book outline?

    • BEFORE you begin working on your outline you must know the purpose of your book

    • Key Elements of a Book Outline - Intro

    • Key Elements of a Book Outline - Definitions + Video Lesson


    • Book Outline's Sample 1

    • Book Outline Sample 2

    • Book Outline Prep Session - Audio Lesson

    • Outlining Your Book Like A Pro Work Session - Video Resource

    • How to Organize Your Book Content Files - COMPUTER

    • How to Organize Your Files - For Mobile Access

    • How to Review/Update Your Book's Outline

    • Updating Your Book Outline, Feedback and Q&A Sessions

    • Outlines: What is it and Why you NEED Peer Review

    • How to Get Peer Review - script included

  • 4

    Month 3: Let's Write

    • Setting Up Your Files - Cloud Option 1

    • Setting Up Your Files - Cloud Option 2

    • Let's Write - Part I

    • Let's Write Part II: Your Writing Schedule

    • Writing Day 1 - Part I

    • Writing Day 1 - Part II

    • The Best Writing Music EVAH - FREE RESOURCE

    • Writing Template

    • Writing, Revising Your Work and Getting Feedback Part I

    • Writing, Reviewing Your Work and Getting Feedback Part II

    • Writing, Reviewing Your Work and Getting Feedback Part III

  • 5

    Month 4: Review Tweak Update

    • Review, Tweak and Update

    • Writing Chapter 2

  • 6

    All About Grammar

    • Video Lesson Part I

    • Audio Lesson (Optional) Part I

    • All About Grammar Part II

    • Homework

    • Questions/Comments

Pricing options

Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.